Keeping You At The Center.

Here at LYFE Solar, you will save money, while also making a huge impact on the world around you. Join a community enjoying LYFE by getting their energy back, as well as their savings.

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Save Your Money

We make this simple. No out of pocket fees. One small fixed monthly payment that gives you ownership of your power.

No more wondering how high the bill will be for leaving the AC cranked up!

Home Value

Studies have proven homes that are

energy efficient

( Solar Installed ) sell faster, and for a higher price, because the value of producing your own power.

Peace of Mind

As long as the sun is in our solar system, you will have endless amounts of energy, for you, and your future generations.


Every decision we make today, will affect our future going forward. Going solar already comes with a list of benefits, here at LYFE we are mainly focused on one.

Giving our world our help. When you go solar with LYFE, with every install, LYFE donates to SolarAid to give light and hope to countries in the dark.

Major concerns you avoid by switching to clean energy.

Grid Failure

Air Pollution

Power Outages / Rolling Blackouts

Rate Increases

Group 4

“We are so happy with our new solar system and were impressed with the team's quality and workmanship."

Lynda Jeffreys

Group 4

“The service was very professional and I would happily recommend them!

Harlin Barker

Group 4

“Honest and reliable service. Quick and friendly too. They had my system up in running in under a month!

Antwan Ridley

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